Unleash your Mayagotchi in a thrilling blockchain adventure!


Mayagotchis are a unique set of 20 lovable blockchain pets inspired by the classic Tamagotchi game. These digital companions require their owners' care and attention to live, thrive, and profit. Neglecting their needs will lead to a slow and painful death 💀, so be sure to keep them happy and healthy!

Be warned: Mayagotchis have a violent streak and love the taste of warm blood. These crypto degens are always eager to gamble their GLD on the latest trends. They also get amorous and must mate with other Mayagotchis to satisfy their desires. Owning one will challenge your skills, but if you succeed, you'll be rewarded with untold riches 👑

OG Mayagotchis

There are only 20 OG Mayagotchis available for 20 lucky owners. Each address can own just one, and they initially cost 25k GLD. This GLD is instantly burned and removed from circulation.

The sale starts at a specific time (check the top of the page). Be quick, because these little guys won't last long! 🏃🏻‍♂️


Welcome to the world of Mayagotchis, where every block on the Maya Protocol brings new challenges and excitement! As an owner, it's your duty to keep your Mayagotchi happy and healthy. Here's how to make sure your pet thrives:

Your Care Routine

1. Satisfy Their Needs:

  • With every passing block, your Mayagotchi gets hungrier, thirstier, hornier, and more degen.

  • Participate in a range of activities, meals, and games (costing small amounts of GLD) to fulfill their needs and keep them happy.

2. Boost Their Strength:

  • Each action you take not only increases a specific property but also boosts your Mayagotchi's overall GLD strength.

  • The Mayagotchi with the highest GLD value sets the standard for the entire community, so aim to be the leader!

Risks and Rewards

1. Vulnerability to Attacks:

  • If any of your Mayagotchi's properties get too low, they become vulnerable to attacks. Other Mayagotchis can drink their blood or mate with them, reducing their GLD strength.

  • If a Mayagotchi's GLD strength drops to 0, it becomes vulnerable and you may lose it. The purchase price is set at the strength of the lowest Mayagotchi, and the GLD is burned, not returned to the original owner.

2. Forced Buyouts:

  • While you are the proud owner of your Mayagotchi, anyone can forcefully buy it from you at any time for 1.5 times its current strength value, ensuring you always make at least a 50% profit.

Stay on Top

1. Keep an Eye on the Leaderboard:

  • The Mayagotchi with the highest GLD strength sets the norm for all others. Keep your pet at the top to lead the community!

  • Regularly check the leaderboard and aim to surpass other Mayagotchis.

2. Engage Regularly:

  • Regular participation in activities, feeding, and games is key to maintaining and increasing your Mayagotchi's GLD strength.

  • Be proactive to prevent vulnerabilities and ensure your Mayagotchi stays strong.

Mayagotchi's Properties

1. 💪 Strength

  • Your Mayagotchi's strength (GLD value) determines how strong or vulnerable it is.

  • Increase strength by feeding, drinking another's blood, and other actions.

  • If strength drops to 0, your Mayagotchi dies and is no longer yours.

2. 🍕 Hunger

  • Your Mayagotchi gets hungrier with every block. It loses 1% hunger every 620 blocks (about 1 hour).

  • Feed your Mayagotchi with a variety of meals, each costing different GLD amounts and boosting strength.

  • If hunger drops to 0%, anyone can feed your Mayagotchi, reducing hunger but also taking some GLD strength. Keep hunger above 20% to be safe.

3. 🩸 Thirst for blood

  • Your Mayagotchi loves the taste of other Mayagotchis' blood and gets thirstier by 1% every 1,000 blocks (about 1.5 hours).

  • Attack another Mayagotchi to quench this thirst, reducing the victim's strength and gaining GLD.

  • Attacking weaker Mayagotchis always rewards GLD. Attacking stronger ones gives a 50% success chance; failure means losing some GLD but still reducing thirst.

4. 💖 Horniness

  • Your Mayagotchi gets hornier with each block and reaches sexual maturity after 250,000 blocks (about 15 days).

  • Once mature, it can mate with other sexually mature Mayagotchis, creating new Mayagotchis for others to buy.

  • Mating reduces both partners' horny levels to 0%, transferring some GLD based on a random factor and strength values. Be quick to find a partner before they find you!

5. 🎲 Degen

  • Your Mayagotchi is a Crypto Degen, and its degen needs increase by 1% every 1,250 blocks (about 2 hours).

  • Engage in activities (costing GLD) to reduce degen needs and boost strength.

  • If degen level drops to 0%, anyone can "degen" your Mayagotchi, reducing degen needs but also taking some GLD strength. Keep degen needs above 20% to be safe.

With these tips, you're ready to take on the exciting challenge of owning a Mayagotchi. Keep them happy, healthy, and at the top of their game to enjoy the rewards and fun this unique digital pet world has to offer!

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